The Original 365 Grateful Project

Early in 2008, Hailey Bartholomew started a year-long photographic project called the "365 Grateful Project."

My blog was inspired by her journey.

Check out the original project here.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2


Jack Riepe said...

I am grateful to see those toes all day..

The Writer In The Frint Room Attached To Your Kitchen

Anonymous said...

Hi Leslie, I'm so grateful to find someone else doing a 365 grateful project too...maybe we can keep each other going through those days when we're not feeling so inspired! Your pictures are wonderful.

Misha said...


Today, I was thinking how much I would be grateful for a fresh pedicure too, but I never quite got around to it.

Instead, I made an amazingly decadent new recipe for shrimp stuffed pasta shells in cream sauce.

ooh la la

the toes can wait,

though yours look great!